Repair cafe
Repair cafe is a wonderful community collaboration between Manjimup Family Centre, Manjimup Wellness and Respite Centre, the Men's Shed and a wonderful group of volunteers.
You can bring along any household items and our willing group of volunteers will have a go at fixing them for you. Items that have been fixed in the past include:
- Items of clothing
- Clocks
- Vacuum cleaners
- Items of jewellery
- Children's toys
- Tools
- Broken crockery
- Items of furniture
- We even have someone who is able to sharpen knives!
Come along and sit with our volunteers and whilst they fix your items and learn some new skills yourself. Enjoy a cuppa and lovely scone - morning tea is kindly donated by Park Cafe, Manjimup.
Please note that this is not a drop-off service: it is a community event, and we would ask that you stay with your item whilst it is being fixed and enjoy some friendly conversation with your volunteer and other users of the café.
Hope to see you and your broken items at our next event!
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This social group is open to adults and their carers. ...