Film Club - Cactus
Come along to our relaunched film club and watch classic/cult/interesting movies with a group of like-minded people! - PLEASE NOTE THAT MEMBERSHIP OF OUR FILM SOCIETY IS REQUIRED FOR ATTENDANCE ($20 per year - covers up to 10 films per year). You can take out a membership by following this link: Membership (mfc.au). Members may bring a guest for a limited number of visits.
Cactus: A woman who injured her eyes in car accident and a young blind man fall for each other. Is sight the only way to see the world?
Cactus is a 1986 Australian drama film directed by Paul Cox and starring Isabelle Huppert.
A light supper will be shared at 5.30. Bring a small plate to share if you can. The film will start around 6.00pm. Please register so that we know how many are coming :)
See you there!
At rear of Manjimup Family Centre
entry off Bath Street
Manjimup WA 6258
08 97711653
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